Executive Committee Mtg 04-16-24
Prosposed Bylaws Amendments
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polling may be conducted if warranted. The Bureau shall implement reasonable measures to authenticate the attendance and vote of each attendee. Procedural rules related to the conduct of such electronic meetings may be established and promulgated by the Board of Directors or the presiding officer of the meeting. Electronic Meetings. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these bylaws, any meeting of the Executive Committee, in the discretion of the Chair, may be held by means of a teleconference communication system or a video conference communication system, or any other similar electronic communication facility, that allows attendees full access to and full participation in all meeting transactions either continuously or intermittently throughout the meeting, such that all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other. Any action that could be taken at an in person meeting may also be taken at a remote meeting held pursuant to this provision. Any director, who, through such communication system attends a meeting, shall be deemed to be personally present at that meeting for the purposes of these bylaws, including quorum and voting. Electronic polling may be conducted if warranted. The Bureau shall implement reasonable measures to authenticate the attendance and vote of each attendee. Procedural rules related to the conduct of such electronic meetings may be established and promulgated by the Board of Directors or the presiding officer of the meeting. 8.5 5.9 Electronic Meetings. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these bylaws, any meeting of the members, in the discretion of the Board of Directors, be held by means of a teleconference communication system or a video conference communication system, or any other similar electronic communication facility, that allows attendees full access to and full participation in all meeting transactions either continuously or intermittently throughout the meeting such that all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other. Any action that could be taken at an in person meeting may also be taken at a remote meeting held pursuant to this provision. Any member, who, through such communication system attends a meeting, shall be deemed to be personally present at that meeting for the purposes of these bylaws, including quorum and voting. Electronic polling may be conducted if warranted. The Bureau shall implement reasonable measures to authenticate the attendance and vote of each attendee. Procedural rules related to the conduct of such electronic meetings may be established and promulgated by the Board of Directors or the presiding officer of the meeting.
In addition, we recommend the following additional bylaws be added:
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